Owl pellets and owl pellet kits
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Owl Pellets and Owl Pellet Kits

Screech Owl
Home of the Original Elementary and Advanced Owl Pellet Kits!

Examining owl pellets in the classroom is an excellent way for students to participate in a survey method used by professional raptor biologists to study the feeding habits of birds of prey.  Although several methods of gathering data are used, none have proven as effective or yielded more quantitative data than owl pellet dissection and analysis.

All of our barn owl pellets are collected from natural sources and heat sterilized. 
Each of our owl pellet kits include guides that contain life size, scientific drawings of the skulls and bones typically found in barn owl pellets making identification easy. 

Displaying products 1 - 8 of 8 results
 Large Owl Pellets
Large Owl Pellets
Price: $3.50
Large Owl Pellets
Each of our large barn owl pellets measure 1.5 inches or longer in length, with most measuring over 2" long. All are field collected from wild barn owl roosts, dried, heat sterilized, and wrapped in aluminum foil. A great pellet at a terrific
Small Owl Pellets
Price: $2.25
Small Owl Pellets
Each of our small barn owl pellets measure 1.25 to 1.5 inches in length. All have been field collected from wild barn owl roosts, dried, heat sterilized, and wrapped in aluminum foil.
Elementary Owl Pellet Kit
Elementary Owl Pellet Kit
Price: $57.00
Elementary Owl Pellet Kit
Our elementary owl pellet kit povides all the materials needed for teaching the basic principles of predator-prey relationships and how birds of prey live and function in the environment. This kit is specifically designed for the elementary through middle
Advanced Owl Pellet kit
Advanced Owl Pellet Kit
Price: $57.00
Advanced Owl Pellet Kit
Our advanced owl pellet kit supplies everything you need to teach high school and college students about the dynamics of raptor predation. This kit graphically illustrates the feeding characteristics of owls and other birds of prey and how data
Owl Pellet Mini-Kit
Owl Pellet Mini-Kit
Price: $16.75
Owl Pellet Mini-Kit
Designed for the individual student interested in doing a special project on birds of prey. Each kit includes 3 large, sterilized barn owl pellets, probe, guide to the skulls and bones found in owl pellets with background information on birds of prey
Wooden Probes
Wooden Probes
Price: $1.40
Wooden Probes
Wooden, 6" long for examining the contents of owl pellets. 12/pkg.
Tweezers, Single
Price: $1.00
Tweezers, Single
Constructed of durable plastic. A helpful tool when dissecting owl pellets. Serrated tips, firm grip, 4.5" in length.
Plastic Tweezers
Plastic Tweezers, package of 10
Price: $6.50
Plastic Tweezers, package of 10
A helpful tool when dissecting owl pellets. Serrated tips, firm grip, 4.5" in length. Package of 10.

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