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Owl Pellets and Owl Pellet Kits
Elementary Owl Pellet Kit
Elementary Owl Pellet Kit
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Hawks, Owls & Wildlife
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Our elementary owl pellet kit provides all the materials needed to teach the basic principles of predator-prey relationships and how birds of prey live and function in the environment. This kit is specifically designed for the elementary through middle school grades. Each kits contains the following materials:
15 heat sterilized large barn owl pellets
15 bone sorting guides
15 wooden probes
15 student guides that include background information on birds of prey and pellets, illustrations and information on the common animals found in barn owl pellets, and life size skull illustrations
1 teachers guide containing information on raptors and their role in the environment, the life history of the barn owl, easy to follow instructions, and illustrations and information on the common animals found in owl pellets along with life size skull illustrations
17" x 23" vole chart
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